I hate when work gets in the way of life.. I am living in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico till April 2023 so I have tips on how to get around here. In Playa Del Carmen. Travel has been my hobby for over 20 years and like to pass on some of my travel tips to others., the past 20 winters I’ve been taking most of the winters off away from work to travel the world and yes I have my travel blog formally TravelCheapWithPete now WorldTripPete. Back when I started, I liked to stay in Hostels to learn and find out from other experience travelers and nowadays I mostly stay at Airbnb’s with locals if possible and it has to be a super host, 5 star host, they will go out of their way for you to make you comfortable while staying at their place, but if I go to a new country I still like to start off in a hostel to find out the best deals and things to see and do while I am there. I use HostelWorld.com or Booking.com then after I know everything I need to know about the country I then book Airbnb..com, sometimes when you book by the week or by the month you may see 40% to I’ve seen up to 75% off by the month. Flights: Sign up with YDeals.com and Next Departure.ca pick your city, it is free. I like to use ITA Matrix The way to use it is hitting the city your in then the destination, then See calendar of lowest fares, then duration (nights) I do say 7 nights, 8 nights or more because prices can be so different than put in currency, you will see prices differ so much look for the orange prices. Once you find a good deal go to the airlines direct or Expedia will match just let the airlines or your travel agent know where you saw the deal. I am an Expedia agent, but have no time for work. The best flight deal I ever got was Calgary to Panama City, Panama $2.00 plus $197.00 taxes = $199.00 return from my blog and part two the story Coming soon I will make a video on how to use the websites on my travel my Expedia link. Examples from past trips below.Another website I like to use is Google flights They will email when prices change just put in dates or any dates, you can also so date grid and price graph, also when you find the right deal click the link it will take you directly to the airline, make sure it is in your currency. FlightNetwork they will post charter flights too. Holliday packages, I found all-inclusive also I found flight, hotel and ground transportation cheaper than just the flight, so many times, even last week a friend asked me to find a deal for him and his family, I did, I found them a-5 star all-inclusive for $940.00 CAN each person everything in, I found it on SellOffVacations.com Riviera Maya Playa Del Carmen last minute. I like to use SellOffVacation.com hit from your city in Canada only to the destination, pick dates once you're on the page look up at the top right in green lowest price calendar it will show you deals 2 to 3 days before or after, most of the time you will find better deals. See photos below while I was writing this blog I looked up on SellOffVacations last minute and found this 90% off includes flight, hotel, ground transportation and taxes for two only $1130.00 CAN at the same time I checked just the flight it was almost double. The best deal I got from SellOffVacations.com ever was a 4 star resort all-inclusive, flight, ground transportation and taxes all in read from my blog check it out.
I always double check with other sites, sometimes they have a better deal, always shop Redtag.ca , Expediawww.expedia.ca/.ca and direct from the airlines they will post packages too. I post more tips from my TravelMyExpedia link. If you need more help, just contact me, always like to help out fellow travelers free, or just send me a tip somehow if you want. Again coming soon I will make a video on how to use the websites on my travel my Expedia link. Comments are closed.